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Welcome to the homepage of the Magickal Order of the Golden Dawn!


The Magickal Order of the Golden Dawn (MOGD for short) was founded in 2022 by a group of five adept grade initiates from various Golden Dawn traditions. Its primary purpose was to provide quality Golden Dawn training to those interested taking the best of these various traditions and making them accessible to everyone, regardless of location or proximity to a temple. To accomplish this, it was decided that initiations would be held virtually, and that every member would go through the actual initiation process through available online services. These initiations would not be cut down or abbreviated, but would be a full, actual initiation into the Order.


The MOGD performed its first Equinox Celebration at the Vernal Equinox, 2022. Officers were installed and the Order began to initiate new members shortly after that. Adapting the rituals to a virtual setting was, and continues to be, an ongoing process of refinement and requires a bit of cooperation from the initiate, who is provided instructions before the initiation.


It is the goal of the MOGD to provide quality instruction and to pass on the teachings and tradition of the Golden Dawn such that all true seekers may gain understanding and wittiness the Golden Dawn in their own lives. If you would like more information on the MOGD please email us. Our email is listed on the Contact Us page. If you would like to join the MOGD, please read the Membership page for further information.

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